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Valentine’s Day at the Tropical Butterfly House


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Do you have a Love Bug in your life?

Then the Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife Conservation Park has the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day – secure your loved one a heart on the Love Bug board!

The Love Bug board, complete with hearts depicting the names of your loved ones, will be revealed on Valentine’s Day in the Butterfly House, located next to the colony of amazing leafcutter ants (believed to be one of the largest in the UK!)

These amazing creatures will be busy harvesting the love as they carry tiny red heart shapes, made from edible leaves or petals, across the ant trail creating a romantic and colourful display.

Show Your Love and Support for Wildlife Conservation! Each heart featured on the Love Bug Board is just £3 and all proceeds raised will go directly towards the park’s wildlife conservation projects and animal enrichment. So by purchasing a heart, you’ll not only be spreading the love on Valentine’s Day, but also supporting local wildlife.

Make it a Date at the Butterfly House! Why not plan a memorable Valentine’s Day date at the Tropical Butterfly House and immerse yourselves in the beauty of the Butterfly House where you can witness the fascinating leafcutter ants in action!*

Don’t miss out! Secure your Love Bug heart today – available to purchase online on the Tropical Butterfly House website – https://butterflyhouse.digitickets.co.uk/category/61153

*See website for times.

Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife Conservation Park is a family-run zoo home to over 142 species located in North Anston, near Sheffield visit www.butterflyhouse.co.uk for information.

Written by: Rother Radio

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