The Saturday Night HitMix
with Wayne Cubitt
Join Wayne on Saturday night live from 12am mixing up the biggest floorfillers until 4am!
close About: Ste Crook
Probably my mobile phone, I don’t think I’d wake up in a morning without the alarm.
Littering, not difficult to dispose of your rubbish (such as your Sam Smith cd’s) properly.
Hmmm, tricky one! Possibly butterfly chicken in a peppercorn sauce.
Bit of a guilty pleasure is Neneh Cherry – Buffalo Stance.
It’s run by a great team and is an enjoyable station to be on….. the listeners are an alright bunch too.
That’s top secret info 😉
I have a terrible memory so I quite often embarrass myself by forgetting about schedule changes.
I’d probably try and save it and make a little bit of interest on it, maybe treat myself to a VR set too……
My height, I’m only short 😀
Wouldn’t be a secret if I disclosed it! There’s not a not to know, I’m not very exciting.
If you’d like to send me £10,000 I’d be made up, I accept bank transfer or PayPal!