Dave Evans


About: Dave Evans

What item couldn’t you live without?

My Glasses.

What really annoys you?


If you could choose your perfect meal, what would it be?

Fish and Chips at the Clipper in Shaldon watching the sun go down over the river.

What’s the most bizarre music choice you have in your personal collection?

Too many guilty pleasures in my collection to pick one but most people don’t know that I love Fairground Attraction.

Why did you decide to join Rother Radio?

Time to return after years off air, plus I was bullied into it by the boss (and his brother).

What other radio stations have you worked on?

Radio Montague in the 80’s, Redroad FM 2010-2015.

What’s the worst thing you have ever said during a show by accident?

Once played the original version of Starships, safe to say it wasn’t radio friendly.

If a very generous listener sent you £10,000, what would you do with it?

Send it back, I didn’t have it in the first place so wouldn’t notice it gone.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?

I wish I had taken djing more seriously instead of treating it as a hobby that people paid me to do.

Tell us a secret about yourself?

Not a chance, it wouldn’t be a secret then.

Do you want to add anything else?

Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability, do it with a smile and do it to improve a life, even if it’s just your own.

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